Sleep on Seyi!

Created by olusegun 3 years ago


Will a day come soon that I'll wake up to realize that this whole thing has just been a scene from my dreams; and that you are alive, hale and hearty? Something inside me says No. Will I ever find an appropriate answer to this burning question in my heart on 'why do good people die and the wicked are left behind?' Something inside me also says I will never find an appropriate answer to the question.

Seyi, you slept too soon! You were a good man till your last conscious days. You had a large and good heart. You nurtured friendship and 'built bridges'.

I'm in shock as I write this note to you. The period between the last time we spoke and the moment I saw your picture splashed all over social media on the walls of men and women whose lives you touched in one way or the other, is too short to be believable that you are no more!

We spoke just a few months ago about planning a family visit to you and Toyin sometime in 2021. You wanted me to come with the kids. You spoke about your itinerary and how you normally accompany your son to his games; attesting to your responsible fatherhood and leadership. We spoke about how I plan to stay one night with your family, but you wanted us to stay over two nights. We spoke about business. I published a book 3 months ago and I'll never forget the active role you played as a member of my launch team. You spoke about your plan to put a copy of the book in the hands of all TC91 set members. We shared many fond memories of our days together in the same room as roommates in TC; cooking and eating together. Playing basketball together. Sharing the same birth month.  We spoke about future plan to make this family visit a frequent activity since we only live 5 hours apart. But, Seyi, like my other questions, is it still 5hours? Do we still live 550km apart now?

As we shared these many conversations, plans, and memories, the only thing you never told me is that you will be gone in February 2021!

You slept too soon Seyi!

A great man, you were. A loyal friend, you were. Your greatness as a husband and father is evident in Toyin, your darling wife, and the kids you left behind. You touched many. You cared for many. You served many, and you will forever remain in our memories. I do know that one day in eternity, we will stand with our savior in glory together with you, and say 'Oh death, where is thy sting. Oh grave where is your victory'

Sleep on Seyi.

Olusegun Eleboda